Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 166: Why, Route 15, it's been so long since I've seen you...

So looked forward to, so highly anticipated, and like that, it's over. I'm packing up my car on the other end and headed back to Central PA. Why do the things you look forward to the most go by so fast? Christmas in general is always a let down, it's like the wedding or prom you plan forever for that leaves you feeling empty and sad when the big day is over. This one doesn't hurt as bad, because you know you get to do it all again in a year, but add into it packing everything up, leaving your family who you so rarely see, knowing there's an empty apartment still dripping in Christmas sparkle and a ridiculously early start to your next day waiting, makes the whole thing seem a little overwhelmingly sad. The one bright spot this time happens to be a certain guy I'm now days closer to getting to see...but it's still hard to leave. So here I go, I'm chinning up and getting on the road, saying so long Christmas and presents and dinners and family, I know you're not going anywhere. I'll see you again in 365. :)

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